Horizontal scroll and/or sort the layers/libraries panel

  1. This feature already exists. Select layers and show/hide them using:
    A. Ctrl + Shift + H;
    B. Right-click and select Show/Hide from the context menu;
    C. Main menuObjectShow/Hide selection;
    D. Write “Show/Hide selection” in Quick Actions.

Enabling Horizontal scrollbar in layers panel will be better.

When I am having nested layers in the layer panel to see my layer from the list, I can’t scroll horizontally to view the full layer name.

I’m not convenient to increase the layer panel every time.

Can you fix this experience?

Hi @Manikandan_M ,
Others in the community have requested something similar. I am merging your topic with this one: https://forum.figma.com/t/horizontal-scroll-on-the-layers-panel . Do not hesitate to vote here!


+10000000000 … please optimize this Adobe.

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Your suggestion does not factor that I am unable to see what the cursor is hovering over in the layers because it is indented too far for any visible characters.

I would have no clue what I’d be hiding or unhiding.
Using nested controls and nested auto-layouts (which is a more dynamic way to work) is unusable past a certain level of hierarchy.

Would be great to either have the ability to horizontal scroll the layers panel, or be able to stretch the panel further in order to see the layer names and visibility options.
Please!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :pray:

CleanShot 2022-10-27 at 09.59.07

Awesome, thank you!

Hey Figma!

Wouldn’t it be great if when working on smaller screens I could benefit from a horizontal scroll of my indented layers list? Would save me the hassle of having to expand the panel and eat into my already limited canvas space.

From this…

To this can’t be that hard to add in (surely)?

Just a thought :slight_smile:


3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Make Right Panels Larger for Typography & Color

I want to be able to drag the right panel to resize it like I can with the left panel so I can view the full names of my color styles.

Does anyone else experience this? Is anyone using a plugin or workaround to help solve this?



We have color and type libraries set up to align with our development environment meaning we can just have “red” or “body” as a description. It needs to be longer.

However, The right bar containing all our properties has become almost unusable in some circumstances due to it’s hugely constrained width. We can often just see a category title, and not the actual label of the color or type.

With the left layers panel being resizable, it would make sense to provide this same flexibility for designers to better utilise our working space.

Thank you,




I’d like to add that the problem is even bigger for developers inspecting designs. For us, the variant names are directly pointing to React property keys. Therefor it is crucial that developers can read the full property name. Right now they’re being truncated after 6-7 characters, which is way too short.



Yes, thank you!

I made a hack for this (I won’t promote it here) which adjusts the internal CSS of the property panel. Some things are a bit quirky but overall its a HUGE improvement to be able to see variant properties, text and color styles in their entirety. This makes hand-off so much smoother as others have mentioned.

It would be great to hear an official response from Figma on this, and ideally some roadmap commitment (new features are great, but a rock solid foundation, like accessible properties, is absolutely critical).


A post was merged into an existing topic: Make Right Panels Larger for Typography & Color


Due to the structure of style hierarchies and labeling practices, it’s rare when an entire style name will be completely visible in this right panel.

And identifying information is usually at the end of the style’s title.

Designers tend to use larger monitors, so screen real estate would generally be ample enough to allow for more text to be shown. (But not always, so expanding the right panel should be possible, but optional.)

Developers don’t need to see as much of the canvas, so being able to expand the right (Inspect) panel makes their job easier, too. They’d be able to see the code more fully without having to copy and paste it somewhere else (just to know it’s the right code they’re after).


You can do this with a userscript, but it only works on web. :confused:

Using the new property features for a component is nice, but the names of the properties get truncated so it is not very usable. Please give us the ability to resize it, and also do any improvements to the way component properties are displayed.

It creates unnecessary mental strain to understand what is occurring on properties.


Agree with this request; our team is running into the same problem. Our component and style names are too long to view without being cut off.

As others have mentioned here, it is primarily a problem when our developers are using Inspect to find style names, and being able to expand the right hand panel would help alleviate this.

This would help with flow labels. We name them often by a relevant user story and its impossible to read it. Expanding RHS panel would help.


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