Figma Slides: Live Prototype Embeds Load the Incorrect Screen/Page

Hey ya’ll, I’m working in Figma slides, and adding a live prototype. Here’s what happens:

  1. I open the prototype I want from my file, and retrieve the shareable link. The link is not restricted to anyone or anything.
  2. I paste the link in my Figma slides.
  3. It loads correctly, and has the correct journey selected in the prototype editor in Figma Slides (on the right-hand side, where you can change the prototype).
  4. Next, when I go to presentation mode, and click to load the prototype on the slide.
  5. It loads the incorrect page. It loads the first page (which is just a cover thumbnail).

Please help!

Sorry, I can’t offer help, just solidarity. The same thing is happening to me. It’s reverting to the Thumbnail of the other file.

Hey @Shubhank_Sahay @Stephanie_McKenzie – this is actually a bug that our engineering team is working on now. I’ll do my best to get you an update once we get one!

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Hi both! Can you try again and see if things are working now? I believe the push to fix has happened.

Seem to be working as expected! Thank you.

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Hey, no @ksn I’m still seeing the issue.

So the issue is fixed for prototypes that have multiple frames, and clicks between frames.

But when the prototype is a single frame, and a scroll view, and you have it in prototype, and go to embed, it defaults back to covers.

I’d be happy to send you a private video or whatnot, speaking to it/reproducing it (since the works a little under NDA).

Hey @Shubhank_Sahay, I’d like to take this case from here.

Are you able to share a screen recording with me via DM and inform me here on this post? I can take a look at it and ask internally for help.

Thanks in advance!

Hey @Gayani_S it works! Turns out I had to update Figma :sob: