Figma Prototype

There are 6 cards that change their title while being hovered. Go down to the part with these cards and hover over them to see the title change.

The Holistic Studio - Framer Holistic Template
I am trying to recreate this effect in Figma. So I created two variants, and they work just fine. But now I have 5 cards left. If a duplicate the previous variants, the titles while being hovered will change to the original title from the first variant. I need every card to have their own title. How can I do it?
This is my Figma workspace

Hi there,

Thank you for your post. I just attempted to create a component for each tile in order to change the states. However, I suspect there might be a more efficient method to accomplish what you’re aiming for. I’m eager to see what solutions the community might suggest as well!


Hello! There should be a simpler way but I’ve got no idea



thanks man

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you’re welcome mate