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Hi when i save .Figma file format it saves as pdf rather than .fig format why is it so, i need it to send it as offilne.

Hi there! Have you any chance use ’ Save a local copy of files’ feature? This save a local copy of a file in the .fig (Figma Design).

If you would like to export frames to PDF, you can find these option in the menu in top left-hand corner, click on the Figma logo > Export frames to PDF…

And, if you want to export multiple items into one pdf, this is not possible natively. If you would like to export all frames into one page, the workaround is to move all the frames to one page and then use the Main menu ⟩ File ⟩ Export frames to PDF… , or you will need to use a pdf editing tool to combine all the pages.

Hope this helps!
