Enable/Disable comments

Agree. We want to direct our users to make comments via our official channels eg. Slack/Teams/Jira and not pollute the view-only shared Library of our Design System with comments.

Another vote for this, we are usability testing and any time the participant types “c” they are getting asked to create an account. I think this is the same solution but I would welcome a workaround/suggestion/fix if there is one already.

+1000 on this.

Also would be nice if when you disable comments, it shows a status bar that indicates commenting is currently disabled, so that viewers aren’t confused.

And if you can add a custom message to that status bar. E.g. request that feedback be submitted in the ticketing system, or mention that design is locked, or whatnot


very shocked this isn’t a thing, makes an absolute mess of delivery files- comments are not helpful if they are way too late

Need this!

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we have a client who discovered this on her own and wont stop commenting. Please let us disable this

WE NEED THIS! Our stakeholders need to be stopped/blocked from commenting once we send the dev ready link to development. They are confusing our poor developers!!


Genuinely can’t believe this doesn’t exist! Please add!

Often prototypes are shared for viewing purposes only. Not having this feature is forcing us to create .PDF files that are bloated in size and defeat the purpose of a true prototype app.

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I ran into this problem too and I decided to make a plugin that can automatically respond to all new comments that are posted in your chosen Figma files.

It’s not the same as disabling comments of course but maybe this would be helpful for some of you :slightly_smiling_face: http://autocommenter.app

PLEASE ADD THIS! I would love to have my current company switch from Sketch to Figma but this feature is a problem.

They want to keep comments off the file and use the files as an invision-like replacement but if clients use the file as a free-for-all to post feedback, they will not be interested in using this.

This is a no-brainer feature that is needed for any client-designer relationship. I can’t tell you the amount of times a client commenting away has gotten in the way of designing something and messed up our process.

After nearly two years, how has this feature not been incorporated yet?

This is a crucial feature that all teams clearly need.

yes please we need the feature to turn on/off comments

Also an issue for large corps with e-messaging standards. Has been a major headache getting Figma approved by risk.

Yes, please!! We have a system for component library requests and I often find requests (in the form of comments) left by designers IN MY LIBRARY file, or in their working files, even though I’ve told them before (sometimes numerous times) where to post requests. Disabling comments would at least keep them from leaving comments in my libraries and keep the library files neat and uncluttered.
One of my colleagues has also had a stakeholder micro-managing them by leaving comments while they were working. Temporarily removing access might be a solution, but we feel like temporarily disabling comments would keep them from micro-managing while they’re allowed to access the file when they need to reference the designs.

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Please add this feature. I’m actually really surprised this isn’t implemented yet.

Please add this feature, I am hearing the echo from 2 years ago…

This would be an awesome feature. Please add it in.

Would LOVE for this feature to exist across Figma Design and Figma Slides. For enterprise organizations, we like to share resources but route feedback on the content to other forums. So an evergreen resource or presentation, my design organization would benefit from turning off Comments on specific files and/or projects folders.

Think i’ve found a work around, enable password to login whilst you’re working on it, so no one can access, then turn it off when you’re done. Bit manual but keeps you in control.