Draw pen tool within a frame

When I use the Pen tool to draw shapes within a frame, Figma doesn’t acknowledge that I’m drawing within a frame and instead places the newly drawn object as the top layer. This interaction isn’t consistent with other drawing tools, such as the Ellipse or Rectangle tool— with those tools you can draw shapes within an existing frame.

Is there a setting that I can use to fix this, or is this a new bug?

(I would upoad a video, but as a new user to the community I’m not allowed to)

Hey @Griff_L_Ecuyer, you’re right, and this is a new bug! We’ll look into it.

We’ve found the cause, which was an attempt to fix a different bug with the pen tool. We’ve gone ahead and rolled this back, so pen tool shapes should now be able to be placed within the frame again! You’ll likely need to refresh your page to see this change.

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