Desktop app (Mac): blank screen without error messages when opening files

I cannot open files on my desktop app ( Figma Desktop App version 116.18.6 ). Unfortunately there are no error messages at all, just a blank, white screen with a loading indicator spinning forever.
At first I couldn’t see my home screen, either, but deleting everything in ‘Library/ApplicationSupport/Figma’ solved this problem.
Seems like I’m logged in correctly, all files and teams are listed.
Trying to open a file still fails – without any errors.

What I tried and didn’t help:
quitting the app and restarting it,
logging out and back in,
selecting ‘reload tab’.

Screen stays blank and white.

I’m using a MacBook Pro with Intel CPU and lots of RAM and free disk space.
Working in Safari Browser Version 17.4.1 (19618. also does not work correctly. I can work using Google Chrome.

My ‘shared ideas’: 1) please show error messages!! 2) fix the errors for Mac Desktop App

UPDATE: after writing the above post, I wanted to create a screenshot of the blank screen, and while I was dragging the screenshot rect… finally an error message popped up!!! “Connection Error -106, Your computer may be offline or the Figma server may be experiencing problems” plus a “try again?” Button.
So the desktop app seems to keep trying to load for ca. 10 minutes before showing an error message. This is way too long!!!
My suggestion: please change the timeout value to 10 seconds max.

Hitting the ‘try again’ button worked. The file loads fine and I can work.
Thank you

Hey @Oliver26 - so sorry if this was disruptive to your work. It sounds like performance is still a bit bumpy, even though things seem working overall. Hearing you on the timeout – it shouldn’t be lasting that long, which leads me to think this is actually an issue with the app itself.

Can you actually try completely uninstalling the desktop app and reinstalling it to see if that eliminates the connection issue altogether? I’m wondering if something got corrupted when the app updated (or a bad cached file has stuck).

Hi @ksn, thank you!
Uninstalling/reinstalling the app, plus deleting everything in ‘Library/ApplicationSupport/Figma’ seems to have fixed the issue!