Ctrl z undo not working after update

is there anyone have probleme with undo after i update Figma th shortcut ctrl z not working ,is there any solution for that ?


YEs, I have the same issue. It’s blocking the normal usage.

Does not work for me either

Found the solution.

Go to Help > Keyboard Shortcuts > Layout > Keyboard layout and choose your keyboard layout. Mine was on french azerty for no reason.

Hope that helps!


Thankyou ,you save me its working now

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Undo in the menu in Mac app still does not work. Shortcut is OK.

Undo not working for me either. In fact it breaks auto layout groups randomly.

I also just tried the keyboard and no improvement :frowning:

Facing same issue, can’t even go back 2 steps back.

Got the same issue on different computers. Keyboard set up is correct. Been having this issue for well over a year, totally over it. I quit/close my Figma desktop app several times a day to fix it. Which I hate doing. Any updates from the Fig team on this?

Hi there,

Thanks for flagging and troubleshooting. We’re having difficulty reproducing the problem on our end. Could you please submit a bug report? This will help us understand and resolve the issue more effectively.


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