Create one prototype across the pages in a file

This is one major feature that will keep me using Sketch and InVision for my serious prototypes. Even lacking the ability to arrow through all the pages consecutively is a huge miss, in my opinion.


Another +1 for this. Would unlock huge value to be able to navigate across multiple pages of a hifi prototype


Iā€™m a starting designer and it took me just about a week to over grow from one page having it all. Performance with single page started to be pretty horrible so I added new pages for each web page Iā€™m designing. Then I just to found out it is not possible to switch between pages using interactions. What a bummer.

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I agree with the people here. Especially for components it would be very nice to have. I currently have components in a separate page. I have found that linking the main component to something (letā€™s say multiple frames) is the best way to do it because Iā€™d only have to change stuff once. Unfortunately, the way this stands it means that my main components need to be on that specific page instead in order for the links to work properly.


+1 Just found out you couldnā€™t interact between pages. Iā€™m so pissed.


+1 for this! Itā€™s an important feature in other platformsā€¦

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+1 on this feature request. This is so essential for bigger projects.

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+1 This seems to be really an essential feature to have

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+1 for this

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@Jono_Young A noble attempt at a work-around :clap:
When I try this, the object linking to the other page opens in a new tab but not in ā€˜play prototypeā€™ mode. Is that what youā€™re experiencing or is there a way to open the the other page (in a new tab) but remain in play mode?

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@Giblette_Ethan_M we have moved away from this approach and we are now using a single page with Flows to serve as a left nav menu.


Genuinely surprised this functionality isnā€™t supported. I canā€™t really add anything constructive to this discussion but hopefully if more people comment and vote we can highlight just how much of a massive fail this is from a product perspective.

Figma supports pages because itā€™s an obvious organisational method and weā€™ve built our workflows around pages. Figma also supports prototyping which is great for testing and presenting. The fact that the two features are incompatible, and have been for this long is truly puzzling to me.


Always something! This is a show stopper for me. The website has too many sub-pages and we canā€™t prototype everything into one page - just a mess.


Needing this feature so I can both lay out Jira tickets, as well as keep a prototype going. Making everything into symbols is a clunky way to accomplish.

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Weā€™re looking at switching over from Xd. One reason is because Xd limits their workspace and has no way to organize large projects. When I saw Figma has pages, I thought this will be perfect, until I found out there is no good way to link components/interactions across pages.

Please add this Figma or at least let us know if this is on 2022 roadmap. Thanks.


Came across this thread today because Iā€™m creating a prototype with a navigation menu and am following the guidance in the Figma basics tutorial to create a page called Components and put the main component there. However, I realized when trying to add links that the list items couldnā€™t link to frames on other pages, only other frames in the components page. I guess people put their components off to the side on the artboard of their main prototype page? Else you can just keep your main component as part of your prototype. Would like to +1 feature request to link to components across the full project.


Dear Devs,
I really love the features that were implemented in the last few updates like ā€œpaste-to-replaceā€ and interactive componentsā€¦

But please bring this feature to live as soon as possible.
I urgently need it to work efficiently on larger projects!

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Agreed, we need to be able to link to specific frames on other pages within a single Figma file.

The current workaround only allows linking to other pages within the same file. :frowning:

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A way I could see this feature implemented is to have multi-layer select that goes from pages to frames when selecting interaction target, I know itā€™s easy to say and there is a lot behind the UI to consider for it to work

Would use this feature in big projects where itā€™s not possible to keep everything in a single page

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+1 Just moved to Figma from Sketch and now Iā€™m missing this feature