Copy/Move variable groups into other collections

It needs to be implemented, otherwise playing around with variables, modes etc. would be very time-consuming and frustrating. THX

It is really needed😇

It is needed during migration, when using a design system to be customised (see Material Design), etc.

This is needed. It’s so painful to do this right now.

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Need this asap


Some much needed features listed above if we’re to be able to manage variables efficiently

Any update this? I really need to reorganize my variable structure, but can’t without breaking a lot of work.

I NEED this

Really need this - Figma if you need a particiapnt in user testing or user interviews I am here. I am incorporating a huge legacy design system into variables and there is so much which could be improved for the user including the above. Currently I have to manually copy values one by one :melting_face:

@dvaliao When do you start with this “feature”? I mean, if more and more people word with variables, this function is needed more and more. Variables are out of beta and my understanding was, that this basic function is in the “normal” version. Can please you give us an update on this?


need too mbok.

This is a must have since starting out with variables is never accurate on first shot and then you are left living with those mistakes to avoid massive breaking changes :confused:

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Lots of people still struggling with this, can anybody give an update? We should not have to detach variables just to move them into a different collection within the same file! (For instance, I accidentally built my spacing tokens inside of my colors collection! I want them to move into their own collection instead.)

ALSO. You should not be able to delete whole collections/variables with one press of a button. There should be an ‘are you sure, this can’t be undone’ warning first!

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Also big time needing this. Hoping it’s a simple feature in the future :crossed_fingers:

I also really need this feature - can we get an update on when we might be getting this? I could do with knowing whether to embark on a massive amount of work to get around this

It’s a little sad that this important issue has been open for so long and seems to be ignored. And that with all the feedback and the necessity. The fixed width of the “Name” column of a varibale alone is unfortunately bad. Who in the UX team hasn’t looked at it? For me, many parts of this dialogue were developed without the user in mind.


You are right and agree to 100%.

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Add me to the “need this” list. I can import/export variables all day. Doesn’t help if I can’t consolidate or split them. Especially when some are being used already.
Looks like I’m breaking everything and starting over?

How is this still not possible? :thinking:
It’s a basic need!


This would save me time recreating colour schemes.