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I want to animate the background of a web page when I make multiple frames, and then I do prototyping and create a component of all frames, but in the prototype smart animation, I am facing some problems. In the presentation, the scree animation is not running at all.

Hey Gaurav, welcome to the community!

Hm, not entirely sure on our end, it would be helpful to see the prototype you are working with to see if we can replicate this. Does it also not work in the preview view? Is that only happening on this specific file?

To cover some basics, can you please double check if the setting of your interaction in your prototype. Here are some additional article to cover some basics: Smart animate layers between frames, Prototype animations.

If you can, please submit a copy of the file and quick video recording for the community here, or directly to our support team if you prefer here.

Please also share edit access to the file with our support address at support-share[at]Figma[dot]com? You won’t be charged for doing this. This will help the support team to see what’s been built to try to replicate and provide guidance.
