Card declined

Am trying to subscribe for my Figma monthly 1 seat professional plan with my visa card but ive been getting a card decline reply…

Hey Chibuike,
This usually happens when your card issuer/bank is declining the charge.
If all of the card information seems correct, I recommend trying a different card, or contacting your card issuer for more information.

If you choose to update the card on file, I recommend reviewing this guide from our Help Center for more information: Manage failed payments

For privacy and security, card issuers can only discuss the specifics of a declined payment with their cardholders – they cannot discuss this with the merchant.

Though, if you want our team to double check on our end, please reach out directly to the support team here. Be sure to use your Figma account email. Hope this helps!

This issue typically arises when your card issuer or bank declines the charge. If your card details are accurate, consider using a different card or contacting your card issuer for assistance. UK Solar Compare