i can’t log me in the app with google.
I type my mail and password.
I open gmail to agree the authentication (2FA).
I go back to figma app and that’s what happened (see video)
Can someone help please ?
mobile device : iPhone 11pro
iOS version : 14.6 beta 1
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Hi! Sorry about this. I’m checking with the team and will follow up when I have more.
I have the same issue on my iPad.
March 8, 2022, 2:59am
Exactly what happened with me as well.
It’s been days i can’t use figma app in my iphone, because suddenly i got logged out, and i can’t login with google. whenever i try to login, it will bring me back to login page.
i tried re-install the app, but not solving the problem. i thought there is a problem with the system or is it just me?
Hey @Sandy2 there’s a support article here , but this should help:
Go to Settings > Safari > Privacy & Security and disable Block all cookies . If that doesn’t work, try logging in from the Safari app then reopening the Figma app.
Could you let me know which of those fixes the problem as well?
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March 22, 2022, 1:54am
i have tried logging in from safari, reinstalled the app and it works.
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Hi, please check this, I had the same problem when I tried on my Android device.
Only Chrome browser let me log in, the Bing or Samsung browsers gave me this error.
(I have removed link’s [https:] because it won’t let me post this message.
Error 403: disallowed_useragent
Request details: access_type=online response_type=code redirect_uri=httpswwwfigma.com/finish_google_sso state=j6xMGVNNZxDg1rIoMgBoScQMvutTY/9YmBG5v3mQebkM prompt=select_account client_id=532352704633-6pkces9iboppp465idnovkcqtlsa8j7t.apps.googleusercontentcom scope=wwwgoogleapis.com/auth/userinfo.profile wwwgoogleapis.com/auth/userinfo.email openid
Submit bug reports to Bing and Samsung.
I did I guess, but switched to chrome for some use.