Blurry render on large screen when Figma UI is shown

Hi! Has anybody encountered this behaviour?

The bug occurs when i work on my external 27 inch 2k monitor. If i hide Figma UI using “cmd + /” shortcut my artwork looks crispy as it should. But when i hide Figma UI it looks like the content inside the work area gets a little shift for a half of a pixel and becomes blurry. Completely impossible to work and hurts my eyes.

At the same time the UI panel contents (layers, pages, properties etc) are not affected by this bug.

– I am using official Figma app for Mac os
– The bug is reproducible on either fullscreen or windowed mode
– I am completely sure the Pixel Preview feature is off :smiley:
– The resolution off external display is native (2560x1440)

A source of problem is found — interface was scaled to 110%.

Reverting to 100% does not seem like a best solution to me as i would like to work with a bigger UI but it can be helpful for someone who get same issue and need a quick fix.

120% scale also fixes the issue.

Hey @ALEEV_NIKITA, glad to hear you figured out how to fix the issue on your own!

Please let us know if we can help with anything else.