Allow us to move the new UI3 toolbar

ngl, the new ui3 is pretty good. the only thing i dont like is the toolbar position. im still not used to it. maybe add an option to move it to the top?


Please let us move the new bottom bar to the top (or even anywhere we want it). My coworkers and I were just discussing how it’s so easy to miss it. We really prefer it up at the top. Many of us work down and it’s in the way.


Especially as it’s more likely to interfere with the Mac dock, it would be great to either:

  1. Allow free positioning
  2. Offer static integration at the top as it was before. It was well designed and efficient.(my favorite).

Please ensure that the selected option is persisted across both the web and app versions.


Hey All, thanks for the feedback!

We’ll pass this onto the UI3 team for future consideration.

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Hey @Michael_Castagnolo1, thanks for the feedback!

We’ll pass this onto the UI3 team for future consideration.


I’ve never seen much less used an application with a toolbar at the bottom of the screen. It’s counterintuitive and breaks with standards across all other applications and operating systems. Top left is ingrained and second nature because we read, work and visually design from the top left to bottom right. Standards are standards for a reason.

This will have a permanent impact on my workflow because I and countless other designers will have to retrain for a single application.

Please give us a user preference that allows for the pinning of the toolbar to the top. I’ll happily live with the wasted screen real-estate.


I totally agree, I feel like it is just in the way, I hate it actually. I hope the fix it so we can doc it somewhere else. I also had the floating menus, they are distracting.


Please allow us to move this. The new position just has the toolbar, which does not get used much except when commenting, in the way, and it is terribly annoying. Not a fan of the floating menus either, it just creates more visual noise and it is a distraction.


I hate it with a passion.


I’m loving some of the new features but the position of that tool bar is super annoying. Please please please add the ability to move it.


Can tool menu in new UI be located back at top? It gets in the way since it’s floating at bottom over design.


Hi everyone! I’m adding my voice to the request. The main toolbar is in a very inconvenient spot—it’s constantly being covered by dialog windows in my case. This is honestly the most inconvenient thing about the new UI. I work a lot with large design system libraries at my company, and I frequently run into the issue where dialogs from the right panel overlap with the bottom menu. This is especially problematic on a smaller laptop screen.


This is a case of fixing something that isn’t broken. I can’t imagine they had a wave of testing feedback from outside Figma that demanded these changes.


Yes please! It’s pretty disruptive to have the whole main toolbar moved. I keep looking for it in the wrong place.


agreed. I don’t like the floating bars, i would prefer the work area to be completely framed off like before but at the very least move the tool bar back up top or have option to switch position


The Bottom Center Toolbar perfectly blocks the displayed number when I am zoomed in and measuring between objects (selecting an object and holding the option while hovering over another object).

I have a few solutions (Ordered by Preference):

  1. Allow the user to move the bottom center toolbar and pin/anchor it where they like or are deemed appropriate by Figma.

  2. When selecting an object in the project and holding certain modifier keys, the toolbar fades away or leaves the screen since the user doesn’t use modifier keys to interact with the toolbar.

  3. Display the hover measurements elsewhere on the screen/or in multiple places so that even if the UI is in the way, I can still see the measurement somewhere that is a new standard.

I hope to see a quick fix for this. Other than that one issue, I really like the new UI and the flow.


I would like to have the “old” Figma back… please?


Agree, allot of the new UI is just not working for me, and that includes the toolbar


Please add the ability to move the tool menu to any part of the desktop. Since after the last update the menu is located at the bottom, not at the top as before, which is not quite familiar.

It is still more convenient when the menu is at eye level.


I like a lot of the new changes, however, I agree that the toolbar needs some customization. As I typically use a MacBook with an external screen and the tools get lost behind my laptop display (depending on how I am sitting). It’s annoying having to peak over my laptop screen all the time. I know what you’re going to say… “just move your external display up a bit”. I have a large display and it is set at an optimal height and distance for most of the work I do. Anyway, I would appreciate the option of moving the toolbar on the top, left or right. Thanks for the consideration.