Allow assigning String variables to Text props in component instances

Same here :S we need that! :S

I was just about to approve using String Variables for translations - it worked great especially since we translate designs in reverse. For some time I thought it was just a bug that some strings connect to variables, and when you unfocus them, they lose the variable. Now I see that it’s a missing feature. I agree, that without it, this feature is unreliable and unusable in a scalable way.


Assign variables to variant properties of the main components & nested instances - #5 by Armin_Rouhanian found a similar topic

Hey everyone, had the same issue, wrote a plugin for it, hope this helps !
And that this shameless auto promo is not frowned upon !


Now that variables are available for nested instances I was excited to use a variable on a (nested instance) text property, but just realized you can’t. Sadface…


Barmp. Just came across this for the first time and thought I was missing something obvious. Hope the Figma team can get this shipped soon :slight_smile:

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We really need this!

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This seems to do the job as a workaround, thanks! :heart:

Hello! I would love to see this too. Especially because I use the Relay plugin from Google and it only supports component with properties, so now I need to have two components, one for the design and a clone of it for Relay

Almost a year later, but this is still not implemented :sob:

This stops me from using text variables seriously

Let’s go Figma team! Lot’s of great reasons to ship this feature :raised_hands:


I found a bug(?) and potential work around for this until we get this feature in place. :lady_beetle:

If you only select more than one text element the variable button appears, and allows you to connect a string variable to a text in a component with text property. But the text property will not be connected, only overwritten. :smiling_face_with_tear: