Add Variable support for Letter Case


It would be really helpful to be able to use a variable to set a Type Style’s Letter Case (under the Type Settings meatball menu).

It could be a String Variable, and the options would be “As entered”, “Uppercase”, “Lowercase”, “Title case”, and “Small caps”.

I personally use modes to switch between different brands, and some brand styles require uppercase while others don’t allow it. This suggestion may be a small feature in the grand scheme, but I wonder if others would also find it useful.


Same here! We also used modes to switch between brands and have the same issue. This solution would be awesome.

Super useful thing while working on different brands as already was mention. We are not going to be able to implement typography variables until this cases are covered :smiling_face_with_tear:

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Same here! Type variables are not suitable for a multi-brand library. Such a bummer!

Voted! We use sentence case on iOS buttons and uppercase on Android buttons.