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Launched: Add Support for Variable Fonts


Variable fonts are widely used in the industry and it’s strange that when it comes to Figma, those are not even supported.

Personally, it limits me by a lot, because I have to install non-variable font versions and ship apps using them specifically. It’s even crazier because some of the most popular fonts (including Figma’s own brand font, Whyte!) all have variable versions.

If you have something to add, feel free to do it below👇🏼


The problem appeared once moving quite big project from Sketch to Figma, and suddenly our team is in a situation where we are forced to redesign the app for TTF and leave Variable Font behind. Long story short, product is positioned as Sketch killer, so importing on such a core level should be maintained and not impact the flow.

Variable Fonts are getting hotter and hotter. Figma as innovative software should jump on the hype train and implement the support, like it’s biggest competitor did back in October 2019. Our organization was surprised that it’s not supported already.

  • February 9, 2021

So much needed support.


yes! I was so surprised it didn’t work. Even adobe has managed to include it to some of their software.


This is much needed. Was baffled when I couldn’t use variable typeface.


Much needed feature. Do we have any workaround till now?


This is a critical feature nowadays. Please Figma, don’t fall behind.


Figma is such in advance on so many aspects that I am highly surprise that this core feature is still not implemented! 😅

Because yes… It is needed!

  • April 7, 2021




+1. This was a feature request on Github for over 2 years and it suddenly got closed 3 hours ago (without a remark). Was opening Figma right away because I thought they FINALLY added it, but I don’t see it?


This would be a perfect timing for us as we are working on a complex design system for a client what would greatly benefit from that feature


Looks to me like the github issue wasn’t closed direcly, but as a side effect of that whole repo being archived (made read only)


Hope ti will be available soon!


I hope this is somewhat on the radar for being actually developed. It is really important for designers to get capabilities at least somewhat similar to the target medium’s capabilities.


Is there a reason this is not prioritized when we’re developing new features like FigJam? Seems pretty basic.

I like FigJam, but this reads as a bug to my design team.

  • May 15, 2021

I have uninstalled and installed multiple Variable Fonts from Google Fonts. Thinking that the stupid Windows is not working properly. Guess it was not Windows’ fault. xD

Must have feature. As an industry-leading Design Tool, Figma developing these new features should have some weight in the Product Development cycle.


Variable fonts support in Figma is really needed!


Designers are saying use variable fonts, which is a great once in a life time event, but then we find out variable fonts don’t work in figma and we be like so sad.


Amazed this still hasn’t been implemented. Come on Figma, you should be all over this!

  • May 19, 2021

It seems like Figma team do not want to add this feature… 🙁


Dear Figma Team,

I would really love to see this feature for the following reasons:

  • Variable fonts are getting more and more common and there are an increasing amount of Google Fonts supporting it. As Figma uses many Google Fonts by default, it would really help raise the awareness of this feature, and would look as a natural step forward.

  • Raising awareness would greatly benefit web and app designs, as there are many designers and developers who know nothing about this feature as of now, so they are not implementing it. If it would be a basic feature in Figma, that would really speed up implementations.

  • Widespread implementation would put increasing pressure on type designers and would make variable fonts a must have instead of a nice to have feature.

There is a plugin out there for supporting variable fonts with only 236 installs.

Making variable font support a basic feature instead of a plugin would greatly help creating better digital products and typefaces.

I am really looking forward to this feature and hope that you take it into consideration!

Yours Faithfully,



Yes, and! The plugin you (@Zambo_Gergo) mentioned is tedious to use/not fully supportive of variable fonts either! It’s a hack that does a good enough job of helping when there’s not a full feature to support what we need, but it’s not a substitute.


Please @figma add support for variable fonts. 🥺 There are basically no design tools out there right now that support the feature entirely, and since Figma is an emulation of what happens in the browser I think this feature should be prioritized so prototypes can more accurately show how the fonts would work irl.

Variable fonts are the future. Please, please please prioritize this feature. Digital design capabilities are SEVERELY limited without access to the many amazing variable fonts available today.


Sketch have a quite great support of it 😉


Oh, that’s good to know! Unfortunately for me Sketch is also Mac only 🙃


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