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Variable fonts are widely used in the industry and it’s strange that when it comes to Figma, those are not even supported.

Personally, it limits me by a lot, because I have to install non-variable font versions and ship apps using them specifically. It’s even crazier because some of the most popular fonts (including Figma’s own brand font, Whyte!) all have variable versions.

If you have something to add, feel free to do it below👇🏼

+1 to Variable Font Support. Got too many nice Fonts from Pangram Foundry that I can’t use in Figma because of this Issue.

Just found out there’s no option for variable fonts in Figma. Still in shock…

Every few days while using figma, I’m running in to an issue where I wish I never left Sketch. They’ve had this feature for years. Please add variable font capability.

It is really essential with contemporary type design for the web to have at least support for the registered axes of variable fonts wght, wdth, opsz, slnt, and ital, see: OpenType Design-Variation Axis Tag Registry (OpenType 1.9) - Typography | Microsoft Docs

These can be represented as inputs (sliders, dropdowns, combobox, etc) in the current text input. They can be expressed via css as “font-variation-settings: ‘wght’ 100;”

Key to enabling this is introspecting the axes which can be done with either javascript, GitHub - foliojs/fontkit: An advanced font engine for Node and the browser, or python, GitHub - fonttools/fonttools: A library to manipulate font files from Python.. I’m sure there are libs in other languages. Come on guys you can do it!

+1 for variable fonts. At this point its one of the only reasons I ever need to open illustrator. And considering all major browsers support variable fonts already, I think its a reasonable feature request

Looks like variable font support was added in today’s release! 😀 Can’t find any official announcement anywhere, but it’s great to finally have that feature.

Variable fonts are here!

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Hi there! Thank you for introducing this new feature! However it seems like it lacks the italic option switch. Some fonts have it just as on/off and not a slant slider. Take a look at Google Fonts’ Noto Serif, which has an italic option, but in Figma it is not accessible. Thanks!

Is Smart Animate working with Variable Fonts?
