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On PC i want to explore figma document with only mouse, but i can’t zoom in/out without keyboard - I have to hold down the Ctrl with the other hand. On a Mac, there is no problem: gestures on the touchpad make zooming convenient.

At the moment we can scroll through a document by dragging it with the left mouse button or by scrolling horizontally, but to scroll horizontally (which is also often used as vertical scrolling) you have to hold down Shift, which is rather illogical for a map-like interface.

Can you add a switch like the existing “Invert Zoom Direction”? That would solve my problem.

This feature was already requested in 2017:



Hi @VladVladVlad, thanks for highlighting this. I wanted to share how I primarily navigate around the canvas, in hopes that it might help with some of the zooming problems you and many others are experiencing.

Using the hotkeys z, spacebar, and shift + 1 generally covers all of my bases when I’m moving around. I’ve attached a gif to show how I use those three hotkeys together. I generally never use the scroll wheel, and didn’t even realize ctrl + scroll was a thing! (I’m so behind!) But you’re right, it can be so disorienting.


Since I generally know where I want to zoom in on, I always hold down z so I can make my exact selection. The scrolling method makes me a little wheezy. My left hand is pretty anchored on the keyboard, and I don’t have to move my hands around too much.

Another method is to click down on your scroll-wheel as a way to pan (instead of holding down the space bar). I couldn’t capture this in the gif, and not everyone has a clicky scroll-wheel either, but I wanted to share just in case some of you do.

I hope that helps everyone! Please don’t hesitate to reach out with additional questions!

it’s really good idea 👍

Please, give us an option to avoid pressing control when zooming. Its such a pain to do this.

@Clara thanks for showing your workflow, it’s great but also not how other people work, as this thread seems to be very popular.

Please remove CTRL + scroll and just leave scroll to zoom, or at least provide an option to do that.

Currently the wheel scrolls vertically on the canvas, which doesn’t make any sense so it should be a no-brainer.


I learnt two new things.Thank you! Cntrl scroll+ scroll click. WOW

@Clara thats useful information thanks, its an interesting way to navigate around. I agree with the others though an option to avoid pressing control when zooming would make things easier. Would be great if there was some way to integrate this. Thanks

I use a Wacom tablet for design work in Figma, so I don’t find cmd+mouse scroll wheel to zoom very handy. Any UX considerations for Wacom users?

Besides when using the scroll wheel to zoom, often it will be too sensitive (viewport going out of control).

For tablet users I would suggest something similar to what they have in 3D programs, for example hold down Z key and drag up/down to zoom.

I do use the scroll wheel sometimes to scroll long designs, so I wouldn’t want the scroll wheel to default to zoom. So a user pref would be ideal.

Somebody make option for this!!

Shift + Z for change mouse pointer, after select area desire

Please add this!! At least make it a toggle.

FIGMA, pls listen. This is exactly what we want/need!

Please make this change. I don’t want to keep my hand on the keyboard while moving around the board.

I dont know if guys from figma ever used other programs, but all of them (adobe, autodesk, blender and basically every other) can use zoom without holding damn ctrl, its extremely annoying when I use figma and my primary navigation works just one button differently, I have been looking everywhere for some kind of get around but there is no other than you guys finally listening to what we need.

Hi Clara, please, you should add the option in preferences to change this navigation mode. With this behavior the keyboard is not needed for something as simple as navigation.

If you want to zoom you use the mouse wheel, if you want to pan vertically or horizontally, you use mouse wheel click. You must also zoom to the mouse position.

The key is that I can navigate with only one hand, in the other hand I have a cup of coffee. 🖱️😎☕

If I don’t get a response I will have to create a plugin for this preference, I don’t know if the API allows it, I never read it.

Yes please! It is a bit of friction in learning/adopting Figma.

I’d go a bit further to say there could be a lot more SETTINGS/CONFIG. Even with zoom and scroll, some applications provide settings to customize the SPEED or STEP SIZE…

Any Rhino 3D users on here? Rhino’s use of the RMB is magic, and should be emulated in other apps. Click RMB to accept (enter), cancel, retrieve last function, pan view (RMB+drag), and still open context menu!

How on earth has this not been fixed yet? We need to make more noise - I think everyone here should send Customer Support a complaint, maybe this will get more attention. I know I’m going to.

Will be asking them to just add a preference option of “w/ or w/o the CMD button” which can be defined by the user. That’s it, 1 hour of code work at max, 100% of users are happy. UX is prime. So simple. Yet it’s been 1.5 years and nothing has changed yet. Figma are freaking slow with so many questionable UX decision it’s beyond me 🤦‍♂️

Just found a workaround, that has saved me from returning the thing! In Logi Options+ for the scroll wheel, give it a keyboard shortcut just for control. Then as you scroll it zooms in like the 2s did, or old options!

This is the only reason i don’t want to use figma 😅

It’s so awkward.

please fix this, Figma. This is a common way to work for people who have used something like Sketchup too. Make it a user preference and let the user choose what they want the scroll wheel to do.

I love how figma navigation works by default (currently using it on Windows) but it would be nice to have feature to be able to set what the mouse scroll does to the canvas (zoom or pan) - I am used to having this user configurable setting in other tools I use and I flip that switch based on what’s convenient to me at the time of working.

On a side-note, from the nice shortcuts that @clara pointed to in this thread, I seem to be able to use only yShift + 1]. The z and spacebar to zoom and pan respectively do nothing for me except change the mouse cursor image (chrome on windows). The panning works fine with the hand tool lH] selected, but not with hspacebar] pressed. Reporting in case that’s useful info to the development team in this context.

Didn’t realize people just suffer through this. Getting a multi-touch trackpad (Apple Magic Pad) has been an essential part of my setup for many years.

FIGMA, please add this feature or allow us to toggle between scrolling up/down and zooming in/out with the mouse only. It could also be a feature that we can choose from the preference tab. We have been talking about this for years.

Please add this feature…

Hi there

I came from concurrent MIRO app, where zoom in/out just by mouse scroll (without CMD/Ctrl) is a standard.

@sales_directorai , @product_team1 are you here?

When your customers can see this feature as an option switch?

I also came from MIRO to try this out, but seeing as stuff like this gets ignored for years…

I’ll stick to MIRO for my prototyping needs.
