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In the last days I noticed a change in the feature of zooming with Ctrl+scroll wheel. It used to be much smoother. Now it jumps from 26% to 100% to 381% to 1449% 😐

This is a feature I use all the time to navigate my projects and this change prevents me from having adequate control over the view of my canvas. I need more intermediate steps in zooming, just like before this change.

The zoom bug is back! Please fix it!

Check out @tamjeedusman’s answer. There is a preference setting that enables smooth scrolling. This was unchecked for me. Once checked everything is as it should be.

Thank you so much! It was really bugging me

This seems to solve it, but I heard that the zoom issue is also in Figjam… which does NOT have this setting.

[edited] @tamjeedusman’s solution solves the issue! thanks @Yonatan_Karya

I don’t know if people lazy to read or what, but tamjeedusman’s answer above is solved the problem for me.

Kudos to @tamjeedusman

Hope, Figma will add the same settings in Figjam too.

Thanks @Yonatan_Karya

The solution seems to solve it… but the preferences aren’t saved. At least in my version.

PRIO: Preferences aren’t saved?! - Previously: The ‘Use alternate zoom handling’ is NOT saved in your Preferences!?

@Mehul_Dangar I don’t agree that this is a solution. It is a temporary solution.

It is affecting everything else like scroll speed on web, text documents etc…

A right way to fix the issue. Thanks man!

Awesome, works for me

Bam! This worked just fine. Thanks so much!

This is it! Thank you!

This is a great solution for Mac. Thanks!

If you’re using a Logitech Mouse, like Mx Master 3, disable the smooth scrolling.

You’re welcome 😉

I have fixed my problem by changing the mouse settings.

The Use alternate zoom handling option doesn’t seem to exist in web.

This super zoom issue is quite painful when using Option scroll wheel.

I have an issue with the scroll zoom in Figma. In other programs and websites, zooming with the mouse scroll wheel works just fine. However, in Figma, it does not work as it should. It kind of works, actually, but very, very slowly. I have to zoom in with the scroll wheel for about 30 seconds to reach the desired level. I have tried adjusting the mouse sensitivity in my Windows settings, but Figma is not affected by it. I should mention that a few months ago, it used to work just fine, and now I have the same problem regardless of whether I use Figma in the browser or the downloaded program. Has anyone else had the same issue? How can I fix it? I would appreciate your help a lot.

Thanks mate. works for me.


