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Lastly I faced a problem with the wrap mode. I need to be able to fix a max number of items per line before wrapping to the next line (with a min/max width per item of course).

It’s for the sake of simplicity because I don’t want to remove wrap mode just for that.

Should be clear enought, if you have any further question ? 🙂



I suggest something like this:

Exactly ! Something like that

Yes, something like this would be so much faster for quick layouts than needing to fiddle with setting minimum widths for cards. When I’m still playing around with size the main container takes on the page, I have to keep changing the min width of the cards, when really all I care about is that there’s a set # of cards per row, set to fill width, on a search results page.

Hey All, thanks for the feedback and sorry for the lack of acknowledgement sooner!

We’ll pass this onto our Auto layout team for future consideration.

It would also be great if that hypothetical field for max nr of items per row could be a variable as well. Would make responsive designing so much easier.
