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There should be a toggle-activated “wireframe view”, allowing us to select a frame, toggle it and see it as a wireframe.

That would mean Figma would intelligently analise the content of the frame, changing the aspect of its objects.

For example: Imagine a simple hero section from a landing page, with the logo on the top-left corner, some options on a navigation bar, an image in the background, some centralized body of text with a title and some short-to-medium text. Right below, there’s a button with a text on it.

Toggling “wireframe view” using a shortcut, would allow the user to see every element I mentioned before in a simpler way. Texts could be replaced by boxes, text on buttons could disappear, leaving only the fill, images would display a placeholder image, so on and so on.

This could be made using the objects as a reference and taking their properties and changing them in the back-end, switching the fill and transparency from texts to blank filled rectangles, and so on.

I thinks this is a great idea for us, since we could, potentially take snapshots or export those modified frames, even for portfolios or showing that specific view in our projects and for our clients.

tl;dr - This would essentially mean switching between a higher fidelity to a lower fidelity prototype and back with a toggle/shortcut.

I hope someone sees this.

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