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In other design tools you can simply press a key, and any selection outlines, grab handles, etc. get hidden while the key is down, so you can preview and evaluate how things look, without having to de-select everything and lose your selection.

Apparently there is no way to do this in Figma =(

This is important while experimenting with different colors, fonts, etc., and in Figma it could be used to see how different sizes, variants, and states, look in your design, without those selection handles and outlines getting in the way of you previewing things.

Ok I see.

Yeah, having to do all that would defeat the purpose, as the idea is to stay in flow, with minimal effort/disruption for the user.

If a plugin cannot operate in the background in Figma, one would always have to launch it and close it and launch it again… which is too much work.

To answer your question: It would be ideal if when the outlines, handles, etc… are hidden, the selection could still be edited.

But if not, at least we would be able to easily hide the selection outlines, handles, etc. , see how things look, and then edit again once the selection outlines, handles, etc. are showing again. We definitely don’t want to have to manually re-select things again.

I found a video on Youtube describing this feature (in Adobe Illustrator):

Illustrator Fashion Design Shortcuts | Hide Selected Edges|Illustrator Fashion Design Shortcuts | Hide Selected Edges

Yeah let’s hope they add it to Figma

In Illustrator it’s command+h. c’mon man.

Getting sick of always having to deselect stuff to see the visual impact of a change, eg to the stroke of an element. CTRL/CMD-H let’s gooo!

+1 for Ctrl(Cmd)+H comand for temp hiding bounding boxes and outlines in Figma

Yes looking for this as well, like Illustrators cmd H.

Interestingly, I just noted that if you nudge an element using the arrow keys, the selection border goes away for a short period of time. So maybe that’s a workaround? Nudge left then nudge right? Meh…

Yep that’s what we have to do today -constantly nudge back and forth - to keep the selection outlines hidden. The problem is that when working on stuff especially icons, nudging back and forth prevents you from seeing your design as it should look.

Come on Figma Team this really should not be that difficult to implement??

@dvaliao maybe you can “nudge” this issue up to the team (pun intended)

An error occurred: seems unclear, is it a complete sentence?emphasized text

+1 for this one please

+1 for this one please

Really? Doesn’t this famous Figma have this function?

I started using it an hour ago and have already found a couple of missing features that already make me want to go back to Illustrator.

How comfortable should one be searching for the right font for a logo (e.g.) with the constant distraction of selection outline?

+1 for the tenth time since 2019.

Such a simple, must-have productivity feature request has been ignored for five years, and considering the rate at which other features are added, it is unlikely to be implemented at all. Because Figma is not created by designers, it is not created for designers. It is made by business people for investors.

I need this urgently to get work done. C’mon, guys, it shouldn’t take you more than a few minutes! Please 🥹

A Must!
