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I know If I use the option key and hover, I get the distance between objects but I would like a feature that shows the distance exactly the way the option key does but without start making a copy of the element. If I start moving it I just want to see the distance to the element above for example. If I do this now it’s going to get to a point where it starts measuring from the copy I’m holding.

If you select the two layers you want, a little red line will appear halfway between them. You can drag that up and down to modify the space between them. You can also change the distance in the inspector. See image and tell me if that’s what you’re trying to do. I’ve just quickly drawn two rectangles and selected them to highlight the behavior. Unfortunately, this will only move the lower object, keeping the upper object in place.

Please please tell me there is a way to always see the red distance-between-objects-measurement while I’m dragging them around.

Square #1 and square #2

When I click on square #2 and drag it around, I see the wonderful red guidelines showing me the their edges are lined up, and, if I only had one wish in life, I would wish for the ability to also see the red distances between Figma objects WHILE I’m dragging them around. Yes, I know about the trick of selecting an object, hovering over to the other object and hitting Option and having the distance between pop up. That trick doesn’t solve the problem of us users being able to drag-n-drop objects next to each other at a desired exact measurement the FIRst time. If I want square #2 to be 364 pixels away from square #1, while I’m dragging square #2, I want to see the red numbers getting closer and closer to 364 and drop it down when it hits that number, not

guessing & checking,

guessing & checking,

guessing & checking.

Okay, you get it. Sorry for beating a dead horse. Sometimes I get responses that show me the person who read my question has no clue what I’m talking about, OR thinks I’m talking about something else.

I have a fantasy of dragging square #2 and simultaneously holding down “D” (for “distance”) and having that cute little red number grace me with its presence.

Tell me I don’t have to continue fantasizing or use up my only wish. Tell me there’s already an existing trick.


More discussions here:

Adobe XD is very good regarding measuring/distance/snapping. Figma would be the perfect tool with same functionality.

I can’t believe this doesn’t have more votes. I use the this all the time in Sketch and XD!

What they do is show the distance away, only when the dragged object is aligned (horizontally or vertically) to the nearest object. So not all the time so it’s not “noisy” and no need for modifier keys.

Be great if Figma added this. It already displays guides to show when something is aligned hor/vert, so just show a number for distance away on one of the lines.

Maybe something like this:



I have the same Problem and it kills me 😦

The only solution that partly satisfies me is this:

You can also adjust the nudge amount for keep jumps aligned with your spacing system, for example: 1px without shift key and 8px with shift key, has been very helpful to me. (menu > preferences > nudge amount)

Hey… Sam did you get the trick for the red lines auto dimensions thing… Please help me out

Holding alt or option while dragging shows the automatic guides like you are wanting.

I saw it in a video here: UI Design a Smart Home app in Figma - Full Course - YouTube

However mine also duplicates the item…

I am not sure if that’s how that is supposed to work or not.

I will have to try it in the desktop app. Perhaps the function key is different online.


When I hold alt (on windows) the guide shows. When I release it, it goes away. For some reason it also duplicates what I have selected.

Though when letting go, the original object goes away, so I guess if you don’t move the cursor it will still be at whatever the guide readout showed.

Here you can see the marks shown by the guide are based on what your mouse is hovering over.

You can hold alt and hover over an object to see the distance and then use your keyboard to move your selected object and it will update the distance.


alas! I don’t know if somebody already found out, but you can see all the red measurements by clicking inspect in the right side panel along with the design and prototype. they won’t go away unless you decide to go on another panel. no need to hold alt/option.

Thanks for the tips Figma 1! ☺️

You can do something similiar.

  1. Select Element.

  2. Press alt and hover over element that you want the distance.

  3. Use arrow keys to move the selected element (While pressing alt and mouse arrow hover on other element)

This is the perfect workaround until Figma implements it in future releases. Thanks.

Thank you!
