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When you resize an element with right constraints inside a parent layer, the element expands towards the right and off the page (layer). I can’t think of a scenario where I would want this behavior. When I set a constraint, I don’t want to readjust the spacing from where it was originally while editing.

Can anyone think of an example where this would not be desired behavior?

Yep, that would be nice. Auto layout layers already do that when you resize something inside of them. Why not regular layers?

Yes! I have been spending a lot of time moving an element that is in a normal frame despite it being constrained to the center, or right. Seems to always resize as if it were left aligned.

Use-case: I’m building an icon with a badge. The badge is aligned right/bottom over the icon. As I adjust the size of the badge using the width and height values it should stay right/bottom aligned.

3 years later, and still not fixed… 🤦

No matter how much I changed the anchors it didn’t work, and I kept thinking I was doing it wrong, I suggest constraints renamed confused.
