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I want my prototype to fill the screen at any resolution, so I’ve set the “fill screen” option and hidden Figma ui. The problem is that there is always a margin around the frame no matter the window size.

When I inspect the code in Chrome it looks like the responsible for those unwanted margins are these two lines:

Is there a way to prevent Figma adding those margins?

This is driving me crazy. I understand it’s there so that the Figma UI can appear on that empty space, but it should work similar way as in full screen where the UI is an overlay.

If nothing else, please provide us a URL parameter to remove the margins so that the prototypes can be used properly.

Hey @Lauri_Incrosnatu, thanks for flagging this!

There’s no way to manually prevent Figma from adding the margins, but we’ve updated your topic into a feature request.

Our Prototyping team is now investigating and working on a fix!

Has this been fixed/updated? I want to present prototypes without any black margins. I want my designs filling up the entire viewport and scaling to the viewport size. Thanks. 
