Glad to see this catching attention. Since we Figma users are creating prototypes, and not functional web experiences, it seems that text should by default remain unformatted as far as links go, with options to add this functionality as needed. i have never once needed any of my links, emails, etc to be clickable to a real site or to send a real email. i have however, spent hours and hours of cumulative time trying to get a datatable with users and their imaginary contact information to update the fake email address’ text and NOT the hyperlink destination. this seems like it ought to be an easy enough fix. PLEASE don’t force us to undo the effects of a feature that nobody actually needs.
We are living in July 2023 and the so called best UI design app in world doesn’t have a simple “Paste as a plain text”. What a shame really! What a shame!
Irony is the Figma staff like @dvaliao think all of their users are the community that come and participate on stupid feature request forums. No I am one of the silent majority and I am telling you this thing is driving everyone crazy! Just come out of your tiny feature request caves and do random in person surveys and user interviews!
Even Google Chrome has the “Paste as a plain text” feature and this topic on Figma should still be open! I can’t really believe this and then they say why we loved Adobe XD!
Anyway, for the moment this is a solution everyone:
If you are on Windows there’s a free tool called PureText that you can grab from the Microsoft store. Just install it and whenever you wanted to paste the text without links to the Figma, user the shortcut key: Win+V
Do this and forget about arguing with Figma staff about this! Let them enjoy their feature requests toys!
I agree this is horribly frustrating, but i don’t blame @dvaliao for prioritizing requests as they come in and as they receive attention. at the time she replied, this was just a small complaint, but this has REALLY taken off recently. I posted well over a year ago, and there was little traction, but now i get replies every other day in Figma, showing that this is really becomming a frustrating issue for us. keep in mind that people like @dvaliao are customer service representatives and not responsible for singlehandedly fixing our woes. Figma support has always been kind and is doing their best!
that being said, @dvaliao with the uptick in responses to this, is there any update regarding where this fits in the bugfix timeline? this is still an issue i encounter near daily, and it’s been well over a year since it was originally brought to Figma’s attention. Has there been any movement?
Yes. It’s really annoying.
What I do is I paste the link without https://
Once the link placed then I write the https:// there.
Sorry, if someone already mentioned it here.
+1 Please remove this behavior, it is frustrating.
Still frustrating. No updates have been made?
+1. working on editorial site redesigns. whilst it would be a great feature for custom cosmetic styling of link underlines (and the links being styled automatically), the function to hyperlink causes unwanted browser opening.
credit where due. Figma team constantly delighting me with new features which are totes toting my totes totem. x
+1 here, It really bad feature. Make everything so much harder since I have to manually remove the link 1 by 1 and change the text style back to the one that used to be. PLEASE REMOVE THIS USELESS FEATURE!!!
Hey everyone! Thanks for all your feedback.
We’ve launched a solution for this issue:
⌘⇧V (Paste and match style) will paste emails and links without turning the selected text into a link.
This doesn’t really solve the problem, the complaint we all have is that we don’t want the link at all, and pasting without a link, or bare minimum pasting without simply adding a link to the existing text should be the default. nobody right clicks to copy and paste, if CMD+C CMD+V doesn’t copy plain text and paste the text i copied, this issue as outlined in our complaint persists.
nobody has ever wanted an email address in Figma to be an active link which opens our mail client. we create prototypes, nobody expects email addresses to be links in a prototype. The default should be plaintext.
Thanks for the feedback.
We found that some users do use ⌘V to add URL and email links to text, and our goal was to not break the existing behaviors for these users, while allowing others like yourself to paste without the link using ⌘⇧V (you don’t have to right click to do this!).
Although it’s a fair point that pasting emails as links is not as common as pasting URLs as links, we would like to keep the interactions consistent between both link types.
In your original post you mentioned wanting to paste email/links without formatting using ⌘⇧V. This update allows you to do just that.
We’ll continue to monitor for feedback on this feature. We look forward to hearing from more users what they think. Thank you!
“Paste and match style” is a very confusing term. I was just figuring out how paste without hyperlinking and glanced right over the menu.
Did you at least run it by some users to see if the string made any sense? Or consider making paste without link a default behavior, and hyper-linking a secondary?
I’m very disappointed in how you handle user request; saying “Some users do use command+v therefore we’re keeping this extremely annoying feature as the main behavior” comes across as a generic and lazy way of handing genuine user frustration.
Figma team, If you LOVE this feature that much and can’t remove it how about make it optional? I mean just do it opposite as this useless update you just updated. cmd+v to JUST PASTE the link as a normal text and then cmd+shift+v for paste as a link that you love so much! Have you even do the user research here? 🫥
This doesn’t seem to have solved the issue at all. I am still getting links even when I use “Paste and match style”.
This dont work; if I copy text with a link from any page and try CMD + SHIFT + V, it does not paste anything on the text. I can only CMD + V paste a link to a text frame. So frustrating. I need the plain text paste.
Hey! Pls do something with it, very annoying!
is no solution, because when I copy text with an underlying link from a website (e.g. article headline on a news site), cmd+shift+v
does not paste the copied plain text, but instead pastes the last text I copied inside of Figma. cmd+v
pastes the actual text I just copied from the website, but with the link.
A year later, and I’m back at the same topic.
Hi everyone, thanks for all your feedback!
We’ve just pushed an update that allows you to ⌘V paste emails without the link attached.
Sorry it took us a little longer to fix this! Let us know if this addresses your issues!
@JackieChui It’s still not working. I’m trying to replace an existing text with a link text and it just makes the existing text a link.
Maybe do what rich editors does. Mark text, then click the link icon to create a url.
Hi @Steven_Private_Account, the update we launched above only affects email addresses.
You can press ⌘⇧V to paste a link without linkifying the text.
@JackieChui Ok, but why not apply it for links as well? At least then it is consistent with both normal links and e-mail links.
Because we have data suggesting there are more people who rely on pasting links over texts to “linkify” them (e.g. creating clickable links to other files), as opposed to replacing the text with the URL.
Email addresses are an exception because using them as clickable links is not as common - designers typically paste emails as placeholder content inside designs, so we made this recent change to account for that.
it doesnt work, ive tried different ways to remove the clickable effect of a email adress all afternoon. How can I have an email say in a resume without it being clickable when i export to pdf?
It appears this is only true when exporting to PDF, and not when you’re editing the text on the canvas.
Thanks for reporting this, I’ll let the team know to see if we can remove the links from PDFs.