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I think this is basic features, custom line style

  • dashed (now it like dotted style)

  • line size (now have Thin,Thick. User should be custom line’s stroke weight flexible, Ex. figjam have select size option)

  • color (should be add more color)

    this features should be flexible ✌️ ✌️

I see this thread is 3 years old. FigJam in 2024 still only has 2 connector line styles (solid and dashed) with no way to control the spacing of the dashes. Only 2 line sizes. No option for dot line or dash-dot-dash lines. One can add a custom color, but the color picker doesn’t “save” your color so you have to use the eyedropper or cut and paste every time.

It is difficult to create a complex or sophisticated diagram with FigJam without more styling on the lines. It can be done easily in Figma, so why not in FigJam?
