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  1. I am currently making stickies in figma. I am coming from miro where their font type size scales to fill out to the extents of the sticky note. This results in a more pleasing to look at design, it feels more natural.

    I would love to so “Auto” as a font type size option. Not only would it look better, it would also help with issues where the amount of text I need to write is greater than can fit in the area. Similar to how I appear to be rambling on and on with this description 😉

  2. Here are some images comparing miro with figma and why this would be a great feature to have

Cool idea! Do you mind if I share this in the FoF slack?


You can do this in Figma with AutoLayout. Just set the auto layout parent to fixed width and hug contents for height, and then with the text layer set to auto height.

Here’s a quick screen recording on how to achieve this. 🙂

I think @Colin_Nickerson wants the frame/sticky note to remain the same size regardless of the content entered into it. This is how other tools such as Mural and Miro work. The size of the text scales up or down depending on how much content is on a sticky note.

Share aware!

Grant is correct. I’d like the font size to scale to meet the extents of its bounding box.

This would likely be useful in figjam and might get more traction as a bug there 🙂

This is a very useful thing not only for Notes. I do marketing assets in Figma and assets for publishing to the Apple Store or Google Play. And for localization, I often need the font to be automatically adjusted to fit the fixed width of the text object. Similar to how iOS does it for its UILabel (adjustsFontSizeToFitWidth). Now I have to adjust the size for 200+ frames by hand.

🤗 This would be great for poster design! It would be absolutely awesome if I could layout a frame with different text boxes and add any word into any box and the text size would adjust automatically, so that the first letter is at the beginning of the box and last letter is at the end of the box.

  • If I wanted to make the font ALL CAPS it would adjust the height also to fill the box.

  • If I wanted to have add some L e t t e r S p a c i n g it would adjust the text size.

Bonus: Imagine being able to choose the amount of lines it should have. That would make dynamically populating social media posts so easy. 😍

I would love to see this in FigJam!

If anyone has figured a workaround that would be amazing. The original comparison to Miro is exactly what I’m looking for.

Exactly what I need too! Example I am currently trying to accomplish - our Web component DS has a component for data values, where each data point is contained in a card. Depending on the number of digits or value inserted in to the card, the numbers auto scale to fit in the container. I am trying to achieve this in Figma, but as with everything, there are limits. Would be a nice thing to have.

As mentioned in this topic, but then for FigJam:

All the best,


+1 I also would love to see this feature in. In my view that’s the main reason why I don’t want to work with figjam right now.

Working on a template for Example Mapping Example Mapping Template | Figma Community is a nightmare without this feature

Anyone looking for the same feature? It seems like something that is relatively easy to incorporate and it has quite a large impact on the overall workflow.

Looks like the video is not working

Came here to make this request. Curious if there’s a trade off against UX simplicity, a technical concern, or there’s just been more valuable stuff to build.

If there was an upvote button you’d have mine. 🙂


Hey All,

We’ve updated the topic to FigJam > Feedback. We’ll pass this along to the team as a feature request. Don’t forget to add your Votes, so we can gauge interest from the community! ☝️

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Is it only me who is frustrated that font sizes within stickies have to be set manually instead of being resized automatically based on the amount of text (such as it works in Miro)?

I’ve seen earlier threads where the manual size setting was requested but I feel like this is a half-baked solution to the problem. I don’t want to think about the right font size each time I’m writing a sticky… 😦 For me this is probably the only thing that keeps me always wanting to go back to Miro…

I’m on the same page with @Balazs_Guti

My company is using FigJam where I want to facilitate Event Storming session. It’s so frustrating to adjust font size all the time when sticky note stretching… Maybe there is a possibility to write a plugin that does that?

Still relevant! Most basic feature in Miro but super annoying to change manually in FigJam.

Agreed. Please add this if you can.

Very useful feature, vital even

Talking about sticky note font size:

If you don’t make the font size automatically adjust based on the amount of content, could you at least have defaults that work better?

Your default Medium (24) font size is too small for a sticky note, and the Large (40) size is too large. I always need to manually change it to 32 which suits the sticky size much better.

Optimize for a mid-zoom level and an average amount of words per sticky note and you’ll cover most cases. Consider adjusting line height too.

Please add this! Essential Feature from Miro (even though the word breaks were wrong most of the time).
