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A colleague usually sends me link of the section, or comment that I need to look at. And what happens when I click on it?

Well I usually have multiple tabs from multiple profiles open on my Chrome browser. So when I click on the link, first it makes up its own mind where it wants to open. So what do I do, I copy the link and paste it in the right window.

Sorted, opens in the desktop app. But wait, now there are multiple windows in the desktop app as well, and I wanna open it on the other one.

No way to do it right now.

If it’s a Figma link, maybe add an option somewhere to paste the link and open that file in the desktop app.

Hey @elcicneha, thank you for reaching out!

I’d like to pass your feedback along to the team, but I would need more clarification on your feature request.

From what I have understand is, that you set your preferences to open links in the desktop app.

So whenever you paste a link in the browser it open in the desktop app.

Could you explain what you now mean by “I wanna open it on the other one.” Do you want the link to open in an already exciting file?

Did I understand you correctly you want to open a new tab in the desktop app to paste your link when you say “add an option somewhere to paste the link and open that file in the desktop app.”

Thanks in advance!

Hey @Gayani_S, you did get it right, I’ll still clarify.

  1. I’ve already set the preferences, and my links are already opening in the desktop.

  2. Sometimes, I have multiple windows open (in my browser and the Figma desktop app). These windows are usually separate for work and personal accounts.

  3. When I click on a link, it opens in the most recently active browser window (could be personal, could be work one) and I usually have to copy and paste the link in the relevant browser. That’s still doable.

  4. Now that I’ve started using multiple windows on my Figma desktop app as well, I see that the link redirect from the browser opens in any window.

  5. Now, I might already have that file open in a window, but the link opens in some other window.

  6. And I end up having same file open in 2 windows, and the second window (which let’s say is logged into my personal account at that moment) does not have access to the file.

So what I would like to have… is an option to paste the said link, directly in Figma desktop app.

Thank you so much for the clarification @elcicneha! It makes sense to me and this is a very good feedback, I’ll pass this along to the teams for consideration.

Please don’t forget to upvote your post. Community members can leave their feedback and vote this up.



When you share a link it automatically opens in web browser - should have option to open link in desktop OR in the app open file in desktop. Part of the main problem too is when you click a link you see </> at the top and not the file name for location. Yes you can click off the frame to see it, but seems very cumbersome and many extra steps to open a share link on desktop and not web browser.
