The UI can get over crowded with annoying frame/component names hanging off their top edges. I have not found a way to disable/hide these. Please tell me there is a way! 🙂
+1 please! When taking screenshots it’s really annoying to have the frame names.
Nothing? For real? Still the same? OMG
Agreed +1 vote - please add toggle option for this!
I find it obstructive that the component labels automatically disappear if the component is not in the root level of the page.
Therefore, absolute agreement that the user should be able to control whether the labels are displayed or not. Regardless of whether the component is in the root level or grouped in additional frames.
This is my biggest frustration with Figma. It seems odd that this has never been addressed. It is absolutely maddening when working on highly complex interfaces, as I do 98% of the time.
Yeeeeees, please let us hide the names of art-boards without hacky solutions!
Great idea, I was looking into it before searching a solution on google
Another +1
I am begging you to add Show / Hide Frame Labels!
Maybe this was true a year ago, but afaik this is inaccurate. You can right click on any frame within a frame and focus the “copy/paste as >” option and find the ‘copy link’ option. I’ve never had this problem because all my frames are nested…
This one seems like a crowd favorite.
+1 Pleeeeease
+1, dying for this option!!
Please add option to hide Frame labels as soon as possible. It’s incredibly annoying having them on all the time.
Agree ⬆️ ⬆️ ⬆️
Another Vote from me for hiding the labels.
This would be a great quality of life improvement, jumping on the train to request this one too 🚆 🚆 🚆
Vote for this, would be really useful to avoid distraction on busy artboards
Here’s something crazy. I noticed that when I created a frame in the empty space outside of any other frames, it added the name. But if I moved that frame into another frame, the name is hidden.
On occasion, when I add a frame to a collection of items on an existing frame, I get the name popping up. Annoying. But, this worked- Take that frame that has the name, drag it completely outside of any other frame, and drop it. Now, drag it back into the other frame and the name will disappear!
Death to the labelssssssss ✊
thank goodness for the CTRL+G workaround.
not ideal though.
please add this feature to hide labels of specific frames. A bunch of Group 73621738921 looks dirty in hierarchy 😕
I am begging you to add Show / Hide Frame Labels. Looks like Figma does not care tho…
Hey folks! 👋
I want to share some exciting news with you all. My friend and I recently launched a Hide Frame Names plugin that allows you to effortlessly show or hide frame labels.
Try it out: Plugin Link
With this plugin, you have the flexibility to Show / Hide frame names for either specific frames or for every frame on the page. Give it a go and let us know what you think!
Highly recommend this plugin to at least remove those numbers!
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