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Option to disable "Image resized" when large images are brought in

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Just throwing my hat in the ring to say get rid of this arbitrary restriction. Images should be limited by filesize - not resolution.

Ironically it is impossible to import screenshots of my Figma frames into Figma 🤦‍♂️.


Chiming in to say: We need this! It’s so cumbersome when working with web pages, among other things.


I have a neat trick for you. Start by converting the image into SVG format using design tools like Adobe XD. Then, simply place it into your Figma file. I’ve been using this method for quite some time now, and it works like a charm.

  • New Participant
  • April 24, 2024

Figma, please don’t resize big images.


Plz Figma, We need this!

+1 on this issue and what everyone else said

  • May 10, 2024

At least give people the option to increase the default 4k pixels…

  • May 14, 2024

+1 we need this feature.

+1 I need this feature too.


es demasiado irónico que Figma entregue una mala UX en este topico… pero bueno, el plugin que mencionaron funciona

It’s too ironic that Figma delivers bad UX on this topic… but hey, the plugin they mentioned works


+1 having to constantly take pictures of portions of my research to have a ‘decent’ quality


Why is it so tricky to disable the image uglification feature?


Any update on this?
‘Insert Big Image’ plugin is nice, but the automatic cropping of images into smaller parts is a bit inconvenient


Have you tried this plugin? Big image importer
it imports large images at their full size without splitting them into smaller parts

  • July 8, 2024

Yes, I do this with Affinity Designer 2
Open png-file in AFD, then export the file as SVG. Works!
I try to open a long tall PNG in Penpot. Only to see, that the Penpot-Team is a bit
further ahead.
The image is unfortunately compressed (artefacts) but the size is not cropped 😉


Wow, thank you so much @Mary_Hayes 🙌
I tried the plugin and it’s exactly what I was hoping for. I like how the image stays full-size without any cropping 👍

  • New Participant
  • September 1, 2024

This limitation sucks. I just want to be able to paste a large image into Figma without having to download the image to my machine, use a third-party plugin to import it (which is not guaranteed to work forever), then delete the file from my machine.

  • September 6, 2024

Agree, there should be an option to override this limitation - working over website screen grabs is a necessary option in a lot of workflows.

  • November 2, 2024

There should be a way to disable this for sure at least when an image is then exported. Just ran into this problem working with web screenshots that go beyond the threshold and tested an export hoping the image would be clear but it exported the same as it looks on the screen which is not good.

Please please add an option to at least when exported it uses the original sharp image.

And using the plugin suggested works but is such a workflow killer due to how is splits the image into multiple images. Having to mask sections out and resizing or whatever is a huge pain.

  • New Member
  • January 16, 2025

This is STILL a (ridiculous) issue. Not only is this a problem for importing website screenshots, it’s also a huge problem for adding custom-designed website background images to a Figma design. If I create an image in Illustrator intended to cover the entire background of my website design in Figma, there seems to be no way to have it not horribly downrezzed, which is unacceptable for both my clients and me as a designer. Aforementioned plugins don’t seem to solve this problem, as they don’t seem to provide a method for placing an imported image into the background (fill) of a frame. Figma please fix this already!!


Still an issue :( Very frustrating situation to be in. 


It’s been 4 years and they still haven’t fixed this stupid b̶u̶g̶ “feature”. Just lost a couple of hours trying to research and figure out what the hell is happening.

Is it a browser issue? Memory limitation?

Why is the design tool overriding my intent? Can you imagine if Adobe did this with their tools?

Explain to us why it needs to be rescaled.


+1 here as well. Horrible “feature”.


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