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I am not loving the new UI in general, but after using it for a while there are two specific details that bug me enough to write this rant. The new UI re-organized some of the controls which makes it makes it harder to do simple things. Please consider the following suggestions:

Move “Corner Radius” into the Layout section.

I have no idea why corder radius is grouped with opacity in appearance when it needs to be next to the “Clip content” and dimensions options. When I adjust a corner radios, i am 100% of the time going to then immediately click “Clip layout” so I can see that change. In fact, I think If a corner radius is added to a frame, then clip content checkbox should be automatically checked so I don’t have to do it to see it.

Move “Alignment” options to the “Layout” section.

Y’all moved the alignment options and the spacing so far away that it is really annoying now anytime I am tiding up my files. After I go to Alignment to tidy up selected frames (located in the Position section at the top of the right side bar controls) I then have to go to a the “Layout” section (which sometimes i have to scroll to) to find the spacing options to finish the aliment of the frames. Those two controls are related and need to be in the same section. First time i tried to adjust the spacing after aligning things it took me a full minute to find where y’all stashed the spacing option.

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