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Implement variable font property in plugin API and rest api

Unfortunately it is not possible to get the complete properties for variable fonts via API access.

Please implement the CSS property “font-variation-settings”

for “wght”, “wdth”, “slnt” … “opsz”

Or have I overlooked something, how do I get the information via the APis?

Hi @MKitPlug, Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this!

While we await input from our community, I’ll check internally to see if we have any additional information on this. We will update you once further information is available.

Also, I am unsure, but I came across a similar post at this link: Missing variable font values in style Please feel free to take a look!

Thank you for your input, and if anyone in our community has any insights, please feel free to vote or comment to support this idea!

Hello @MKitPlug, I’ve looked into this matter internally and unfortunately, it is not currently feasible.

However, we’re already aware of the demand for it. I have included your suggestion in our internal report to bring more attention to it.

Thank you again for your valuable input!
