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Hey I have a style guide and its currently in phase 2, my team has decided to simplify the text styles so I need to merge a lot of text styles together. Is there an efficient method of doing this?


+1 on this question

+1 same question

definitly a +1

Hey All, thanks for reaching out!

We don’t offer a way to merge text styles, but we’ve updated this topic into a feature request.

We’ll pass this onto our team for consideration, but until then, you’ll need to recreate the styles instead of merging them.

+1 had the same issue multiple times.

Workarounds are quite painful.

@dvaliao Any update on this yet??

So, for anyone looking for a similar solution as I did, the " Find & Replace Styles" plugin solved the problem for me by allowing me to search for specific text stale names and replace them this way. Nice work @FlorianModel and @marcomelilli 👍

Thanks for the kind words!

Especially with the recently introduced responsive text styles powered by variables & modes this feature urgently is needed as we theoretically are now able to reduce our text styles by factor 3. A pity there is no merge feature in place. For libraries which are used across different files plugins like “find & replace styles” is not an option.

With the release of typography variables and text-style modifiers we have to refactor our styles and some of them have become obsolete.

Removing them would mean that text layers that previously had them would be detached or exposing variables - which we don’t want to do.

Renaming styles with the same names do not merge them, creating unnecessary duplication and confusing everyone.

Using plugins to find and replace styles in all of our design consumer files is unrealistic.

Help, please.

+1 this would be great

+1 Still waiting of any updates

  1. May be use the plugin “Style and variable organizer” select text style and it can merge similar styles.

  2. Or use “selection text” plugin detect style in page and assign the newly defined styles.
