TL;DR Link to frame breaks when it is moved to another file/frame
In a big company with many designers, IT analysts and developers, we found out that best practice for developer handoff is to link Figma frame to Jira ticket, so developers don’t need to search through dozens of files, pages and frames to find what needs to be implemented. No problem till now.
But as designers, we have many versions of different screens in a different state and after a while, it becomes quite a messy place. So we want to clean up the space, group workflows and move it to other pages or to other files (i.e. designed workflow is small at first so it is laid within bigger group, but it grows in time so we need to move it to another page/split it into multiple files). But when we do that, we break all links in Jira, so either developers can’t find the right screen when needed, or we need to invest excessive time to change all links in Jira, which can vary from tens to hundreds of screens.
Does anyone else experience this? Is anyone using a plugin or workaround to help solve this?
From my point of view, it would be great if each frame could have an unique id/hash through the whole workspace (at least those which had the link generated) which wouldn’t change when moved to another page/file/project.