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I understand that I can use the string variable to handle and manage text words in different language mode.

However, the string variable I want to manage is not limited to the single word, sometimes, it can be a long sentence.

And, when I use it, it can have different line break depending on each text area.

For example, there is a String Variable as below.

“Figma files are often large and complex with endless pages, library and local components, and prototype screens.”

I want to use it like this in A area with 2 lines

: “Figma files are often large and complex with endless pages,

library and local components, and prototype screens.”

And, sometimes I want to use it like this in B area with 3 lines

: “Figma files are often large and complex

with endless pages, library and local components,

and prototype screens.”

Now, when I link a text box to a string variable, and if I enter a space or line break(Enter), it is unlinked from the string variable.

Please consider adding some options to apply space or enter to a string variable.


Hey @JMO, thanks for the feedback!

We’ll pass this idea along to our team for future consideration.

I hope this plugin will help solve your question:
