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If you open a lot of projects the tab strip gets crowded. Chromium browsers solved this by allowing to group tabs, maybe Figma could do the same ?

Oh yes please!

  1. I have many files open at the same time and grouping the tabs will help me to visually focus in on the the file I’m looking for.

  2. For example - the way you can now group tabs in google chrome.

Yes, I don’t use tab groups in browsers much but would find this features extremely useful in applications like Figma.

If it’s easier for Figma to implement, If I could choose to just see the tabs from the current workspace and not get distracted by tabs from another workspaces, that would help me a lot along the way.

I was thinking the same thing today, as I work for three different teams I have several files opened and I get lost easily, specially when I am also prototyping. The group tabs would come very handy.

@Lucas22 funny to see your comment, as i work with 4 diff clients and i’m in the same boat. found a solution (kind of) yesterday actually.

i didnt know that, but you can open a separate figma window with File > New Window

so now i have 4 figma windows (one for each client) and in each window, i have the 3-4 tabs open for that specific client

i also put each window on a separate desktop on my mac so it’s easier, I just switch to Desktop B when i need to work on Client B and so on

i think it’s a nice way of doing things because before i had like 14 tabs open with the 4 different projects…

Hey Phil, thanks a lot for sharing your solution! I’ve been using figma for the past 3years but to my surprise, I’ve never tried to open a new window before, I felt like finding a new world now hahaha 🤣 at the same time it also made me feel an n00b.

This will help me a lot on shifting to different projects and to present them without the numerous tabs (specially because the files are JIRA tickets + Name) so it can get very messy.

+1 for grouped tabs, and better tab management in general. I cannot see the names of my files. I don’t want to close the tabs since that means I have to find the file and re-open it. Please make it so I no longer have to see this everytime I’m working.

I would love to see a feature where you can group Figma files into category tabs. This would help me organize if I have multiple files for one work stream! Google Chrome does it so nicely and I love it!

This feature would be very helpful. I am working on multiple projects so a tab group for each project would help me organize and quickly access files.

When working on several projects at the same time with multiple tabs open, it would be great if tabs of the same project can be grouped together like on Google Chrome. This makes it easier to find the right file

A Tab Grouping system like the one Google implemented on Chrome would be great. 😀

Adding my support for this feature. I’d love to be able to group tabs like in Chrome, it would be amazing for organizing open projects.

I’ve been hoping for this feature for some time now, tabs can get very crowded and this would be very useful

Suggested adding a grouping of the Tab Project base on Their information.

Yes! I was just coming here to suggest this. I use tab grouping in Chrome and it’s so helpful. I have about 30-40 Figma files open at all times. 😓

On daily basis I use lots of files, would be nice to group them to themes or even just to make Figma a little more organised. Figma could implement in some way?


The grouped tabs in Chrome can be saved, and synced to keep them up-to-date. I can’t go back to regular tabs. If I were on Figma’s product team I would definitely look at conducting some experiments.

As a sole UX Researcher for a company with over 500 employees and 6 product teams I support, I am in A LOT of Figma files on a daily basis. I need a way to group my files by team, project, initiative, company OKRs, etc.

Note: I use Figma more than I use my google chrome browser.

Grouping tabs like in the browser and coloring them would be very helpful for organization when we have many projects at once.

I have atleast 10-20 design tabs opened and working for multiple projects. Grouped tabs would be a LIFESAVER like how chrome does it. Put this on the priority please Product Team! T.T

Also would love to have Group Tabs in the Figma app the same way Chrome have them.

I wish there were a way to organize my Figma + FigJam tabs in the Figma desktop window, similar to Chrome tab groups. Some way to say “these 4 tabs are X project, these 2 tabs are Y project, these …” etc.

I think adding “Create group” for tabs, like Google Chrome is better

You can easily manage tabs and prevent their congestion

I think adding “Create group” for tabs, like Google Chrome is better

You can easily manage tabs and prevent their congestion
