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Figma is the fastest way to share a slide deck with your team, in comparison to porting over content to Google Slides. However, the inability to scan the deck prevents people from being able to quickly navigate to the right slide.

Allowing viewers to see thumbnails of the entire deck would enable teams to effectively cut out Google Slides.

Thanks for the feedback, @Sherry_Xie!

We’ll pass this onto our team for consideration.

I love making presentations in Figma, but the shareable prototype experience of the presentation isn’t too great, especially for non-designer XFNs — mainly because you can’t preview all the slides at once in a sidebar.

I’ve worked around this a bit by using Flow Starting points, but it still lacks the visual preview.

What if we had the ability to combine select frames into a presentation format such that when shared, recipients will be able to have a UI similar to PowerPoint & Google Slides where each slide (Figma Frame) is previewed in a left sidebar. This makes jumping between slides much easier without having to sequence through each slide.

I would gladly replace Google Slides with this in the blink of an eye.

Hi @Perry_Wang, Thanks for sharing your thoughts! I found the other community member asking for something similar here. So I merged your post to have all the feedback in one place!
