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With increasing complexity in projects and design systems often distributed across multiple files I often find myself having many tabs open.

In Google chrome, I highly appreciate the “Shift + CMD + A” menu displaying all the open tabs in chronological order, it would also be super beneficial to have this in Figma.

This would allow to:

  • Quickly switch between tabs that are the most relevant (most recently opened tabs at the top)

  • Search for a tab

  • Increase usability with keyboard only (current CMD + #number doesn’t scale as well)

What do you think about this?

Hey @matthias_koch1, thanks for the feedback!

We’ll pass this onto our team for consideration.

Added my vote. I have 19 tabs open in Figma right now, all of which start with [Project Name] - subsection name, so they all look nearly identical until I hover over one. Having a quick dropdown list like Chrome would be very helpful and time saving.

I am starting to hate the horizontal tab paradigm in general.

You quickly fill up the tab bar, and tabs get squeezed and impossible to read. In Figma’s case, this is made worse because you can’t access the rightmost tabs on smaller screens.

Consider what the Browser Company is doing with its Arc browser: Stacking tabs vertically makes them readable, horizontal screen real estate is more plentiful on widescreen (Can always be truncated if on small screens) and makes it possible to read my tabs again.
