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FigJam connectors in Figma

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  • 1 reply
  • June 8, 2024

Really want the ability to make user flows and diagrams with the dynamic arrow functionality directly in the Figma file instead of copying in from FigJam. The way the boxes already contain text and the arrows snap to the boxes is incredibly helpful when I’m showing both a user flow and hi fidelity screens.

  • New Member
  • 4 replies
  • July 26, 2024

Creating flows and diagrams is a crucial aspect of the developer handoff process, and having this functionality integrated into Figma without the need for workarounds or paid plugins would be extremely beneficial.


I completely agree! Is this something that is on the radar to implement into Figma? I have to create my flows in FigJam and then copy them over into Figma to have the nice connectors and comments in between the lines.

  • New Member
  • 3 replies
  • August 22, 2024

FigJam connectors are no longer working well in Figma. My community post attached.

Request to Revert Changes to Fig Jam Connectors in Figma - Ask the community - Figma Community Forum



Same issue here. omg, instead of make it native, working good with components, it seems they just broke it. 🤦‍♂️

Figma, please hear us. Why people are still using 3rd party plugins for the feature that already exist? Fix it please.

  • Community Support
  • 2296 replies
  • September 2, 2024

Hi all,

Thanks for your patience. We’ve recently learned from some users that clearing the cache can resolve this issue. Could you try clearing the cache and then restart the Figma app?

Let us know if the issue still persists!



Hi team, has anyone had success in adding a connector arrow layer inside a component’s layers in Figma? I’m not talking about visually “connecting” elements/components using the arrow/s, but actually trying to contain the layer inside a Component or Component Variant. We use the FigJam connector arrows in Figma constantly, but I’ve only just discovered you can’t have a connector arrow inside a more complex component’s layers. The use case in this situation is creating components out of workflows for versioning reasons to track changes better and keep the client/dev spaces seperate.

  • 2 replies
  • October 10, 2024

Hello, I would love to have an option to work with FigJam capabilities right in my Figma file. For instance to create a flow diagram with FigJam components right where I design the screens.

Hope that’s clear 🙂,

  • 1 reply
  • October 16, 2024

Please please, add connectors to Figma. User flows are our bread and butter, and I hate having to use plugins or copy and paste from FigJam all the time.


Hi Figma

please consider bringing sticky notes and connectors to Figma design because:

  • they’re currently supported in Figma design

  • they’re very useful for annotating designs and documenting high-fi user flows




I am working on designing a family tree, and being able to use native Connectors in Figma that I can snap to objects within another component (like a photo and name below it) and then save as components is critical to my work. Whenever I try to create a component that includes a Connector copied over from FigJam, that connecter disappears. PLEASE give us this feature soon!


It is so easy to connect flows with arrows in FigJam, and find it frustrating this feature isn’t yet available in Figma. I have found myself pasting screens from Figma into FigJam to connect, and then back again so I can edit as a Figma file. Not an ideal workflow, but it cuts out needing to use a plugin or add manual static arrows, which can both be time consuming and frustrating to have to do. All that said, creating complex flows is so necessary to be able to do as a product designers, and should be much easier to do in Figma.

David Zhao
  • New Member
  • 1 reply
  • February 15, 2025

For anyone still wrestling with connectors in 2025, I made this plugin Superconnector—Automatically draw FigJam Connectors in Figma. It’s not a first-party solution, but it makes a few things easier:

  1. You can create connectors directly inside your Figma file without needing to open FigJam.
  2. Turns finicky manual copy-and-drag jobs into one-click operations (e.g. instantly draw a connector flow between origin and destination nodes, similar to Autoflow).
  3. Connect child nodes nested inside component instances.
  4. Switch between elbowed and straight-line connectors in Figma.
  5. In the premium version there’s also the option to create any FigJam shape inside of Figma.

I use it often in my own work to save time and wrist strain in the absence of a better native solution.

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