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Very strange bug. I can’t add interactions to some objects, and I can’t see any reason why. Basically I have a group with a couple of shapes in it, and when I am on the Prototype tab, it doesn’t show a “+” to the right of “Interactions” and it doesn’t show the link handle in the main area.

Screen Shot 2021-05-18 at 2.48.36 PM

Above: a normal selection that I can link

Screen Shot 2021-05-18 at 2.48.28 PM

Above: an abnormal selection that I can’t link.

The only other differences between the two selections that I can find are in the Design panel:

This is the normal one

And this is the abnormal one.

Any ideas?

I have the same issue. Do you know anything yet?

Experiencing the same bug right now. Objects are embedded in two frames. Not sure if that matters.

I’m also having this issue. Under a deadline and really need a solution -

Pop the objects to the surface by de-embedding them. Add your prototype connections and then re-embed. Worked for me.

Anything for this bug yet? Huge issue for my prototype right now

I just discovered the same issue in my own prototype. I tried grouping a selection of shapes to see if that enabled me to make connections. It didn’t. I’m supposed to finish my low-fidelity prototype as an assignment and coming across this bug and finding out there isn’t a fix yet is incredibly stressful.

I had the same problem. Saw that I can only connect the shapes that are grouped. So I put every line, every shape I had into the group (site) it belonged to and then could connect them with other sites. So basically check if at the left panel, where you see all your shapes, everything is grouped based on the site. If not, then drag them under the site name they should be. Hope this helps!

Try framing the object using ‘frame selection’ option . Worked for me.

no scuh thing as sx etc
