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Problem statement

Currently, when following another designer we struggle to find our way back to the work that you are doing. It always take some brainpower to find your way back to your workflow if you work in a massive file.


Following back yourself. Go back to your original work by clicking on your own user. I see our team is already trying to click their own avatars, so the mental model is there.

With myself and a co-worker in the same Figma document but on separate pages. If I follow them, I totally loose my context in my current page.

I am on Page1, looking at a specific design object (call it Object1).

They are on Page2.

I click to follow them and am teleported over to Page2.

When we are done following I go back to Page1.

Expected: be back looking at the exact view I left a few minutes ago.

Actual: looking at some random, typically totally empty, part of the canvas of Page1.

Many times per day I end up zooming waaaay out to identify where anything of note s on the canvas and then zoom back into the area I am interested in.
