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As design systems grow organically, it might be necessary to reorder Variable Modes in the Local variables panel, similarly to how it is possible to reorder variables.

We need this so bad!

+1 Still need this!

+1 Would be much appreciated

+1 to this. One thing I’m finding w/ Figma’s deeper features is how much scope we’re required to plan for up front, and this is a perfect example. As a designer, this just isn’t how I typically think – ideas grow as needs arise. A simple re-ordering feature should be a no-brainer.

This would be very valuable to me as a design system maker! For example, we’re shifting to mobile-forward development, but previously prioritized desktop screen sizes. Would like our default modes to reflect what designers are now most frequently prototyping in!

can’t believe this is still not available yet!!

I can’t believe they didn’t ship variables with this, this seems like a no-brainer to me. I’m just getting started with variables, and this seems obvious.

Almost as poor as restricting 4 modes to anything but Enterprise. Fix up Figma!

This being missing is becoming really frustrating :((

Either Figma has a terribly messy codebase, is massively understaffed, or engineers are just lazy. This isn’t a complex feature.

My hopes were high to receive this feature during config 2024. So young, so naiv 😦

Would also love to have this. The mode select dropdown gets very messy very fast otherwise.

It would be great if we could this as an update. 🙏

Any update to this? The local variables panel seems be in need of a fair amount of TLC in terms of good UX.

I would settle for a search at this point.

The timeline for variables developed during the Adobe period.

It was in the works. But when Adobe became a player to acquire Figma, there was a mass scramble to wrap up any work in the pipeline. If you remember the “config” conference that year, it was a flood of things that were not yet done cooking.

Then Adobe fell through.

Then Figma never finished the uncooked stuff.

This is entirely a management issue. Product owners and leadership following a poor “Agile” mentality of “just ship something and get it to market.” Part of it was to add value to the product to pad the sale to Adobe. The other part was to get it out of the pipeline.

While I would also agree that all three of your assessments are also correct, Figma leadership has abandoned the idea of making a tool for designers. It is about saying “we do variables” now. Then that is all they needed to check the box.

All of the basic things that you would find in any software, re-order, naming- search(???) are left out and ignored. Not a priority.

Still need this x) it’s such an easy fix. Give us quick wins instead of (in Europe) banned AI tools…

This would be an incredibly useful and intuitive feature. The initial example is exactly the problem my team is running into. Very annoying! Not a must-have, but a very strong nice-to-have.

We really need this! 🙏🏽

Reordering modes would be super helpful

+1 Would love this feature! Our team had 4 modes and needed to add an additional 3 modes in between the existing modes. Organizing this w/out breaking anything would be appreciated!

Really needed. I honestly thought it was already possible as it seems such a basic feature.

We have created hundreds of variables with four modes and we now want to change the default one (use case described several times above).

++ this is much needed.

The local variables dialog suffers from these usability issues that makes it super inconvenient to use on a regular basis.

At this point, I just need some assurance from the Figma team that someone is working on these. 🫠

Still waiting to see if Figma will deliver this much needed feature…

Also, if like me and you like to keep things in a logical order, being able to set a ‘Default’ mode for a collection could be super useful.

+1 That this is needed. Right now this is not scalable for enterprise businesses.
