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When I use the example in waitForTask doc the widget doesn’t stop rendering

const { widget } = figma
const { Text, useEffect, waitForTask, useSyncedState } = widget

function WaitForTaskExample() {
const ttextContent, setTextContent] = useSyncedState("text", "Initial")

useEffect(() => {
waitForTask(new Promise(resolve => {
// Simulate async work
setTimeout(() => {

// Resolve the task
}, 1000)

return <Text>{textContent}</Text>


On the setTextContent the widget seems to restart and rendering again and again

Ah, thanks for flagging this! This behavior is expected (and is a bug with our docs). Effects are run after we render the widget (which happens anytime a synced state / map value is updated). So in this particular code snippet:

  • Render widget

  • Effects run

  • Sets text context

  • Re-render widget

  • Effects run

  • Sets text context

  • Re-render widget

We’ll update the code sample to say:

      setTimeout(() => {
if (textContent !== "Final") {

// Resolve the task
}, 1000)

I understand !

Many thanks for the reply
