I’m not sure if this is a bug or a feature request, but I ran into an issue when helping another designer with their prototype today. Clicking on a logo in the prototype should take the user back to the home page, and it was, but then clicking on it again (from the home page) was cycling through other frames, as if clicking a previous page or back button. However, there was no interaction set on the logo (in the file). I kept digging and found that the logo component had a “on click-back” interaction at it’s source, in the library file.
So while I recall seeing the “variant interactions” at times that shows interactions of nested components, I don’t know if this only goes so many layers deep or can’t show if the component is from another file or library.
If it is a bug and should appear, I wanted to bring it up. If not, that would be great if it can become a feature. It would save so much time and prevent duplication and interaction conflicts on large projects and prototypes.