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There seems to be a bug with the “match” function when renaming frames, if certain characters are used in the names, such as parentheses.

I have a number of frames with nearly identical names, and I’m trying to rename them by matching a part of the name. At first I thought it was completely broken, because when pasting in the part of the name I wanted to replace, it didn’t match anything. Eventually I realized it works normally except after a certain character is entered - the close parenthesis - then it stops working.

(There may be another reason it’s happening, but when I remove the parenthesis, then it matches again.)

If I’m just doing something wrong or overlooking something, please let me know.

Related feature request: it would be nice to make this window wider so you can actually see the full names of the layers in the Preview.

Hi there,

Thanks for reaching out. I’m checking with our internal team. I will get back to you when I have anything I can share with you.

Thanks for your patience.


Hi there,

Thanks for your patience. The search field supports regular expressions (RegEx). In RegEx, [ ] is used to define a range, while ( ) is for capturing groups. To replace these, you need to escape the bracket characters (\( and \) ) so they’re treated as literal brackets. For example, in the Match field, you should search for \(Bag or Folder list\)

More details:

Can you give it a try?


