I have quite a big file with many components in use for table cells, buttons, form elements etc, and have been using Interactive components for link / button hover states, check boxes etc.
My prototypes were working well until the last update. Now during random parts of the flow, my prototype randomly jumps between a series of screens, making the prototype unusable.
I went though all pages & elements, checking I didn’t have any stray ‘hover’ or ‘after delay’ actions in place and they were not any. I did however notice that some flows were fixed, by changing some duplicate frame names I had. The issue would however, pop up elsewhere in the flow and could not be fixed by adding unique frame names.
The only thing that stopped the bug, was when I turned off ‘Interactive components’ for the prototype. The prototype then worked fine after that (minus my micro interactions).
Bit of a strange bug, but thought i’d share for investigation.