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I have quite a big file with many components in use for table cells, buttons, form elements etc, and have been using Interactive components for link / button hover states, check boxes etc.

My prototypes were working well until the last update. Now during random parts of the flow, my prototype randomly jumps between a series of screens, making the prototype unusable.

I went though all pages & elements, checking I didn’t have any stray ‘hover’ or ‘after delay’ actions in place and they were not any. I did however notice that some flows were fixed, by changing some duplicate frame names I had. The issue would however, pop up elsewhere in the flow and could not be fixed by adding unique frame names.

The only thing that stopped the bug, was when I turned off ‘Interactive components’ for the prototype. The prototype then worked fine after that (minus my micro interactions).

Bit of a strange bug, but thought i’d share for investigation.

❣️ I FOUND A SOLUTION ❣️ (at least it worked for me, hopefully it helps you too!)

Go to your chrome settings> system> disable ‘Use hardware acceleration when available’> relaunch> settings> system> enable ‘Use hardware acceleration when available’> relaunch.


First of all I tried the above “solution” but that didn’t work. My suggestion is to do the following:

1- Ensure that your prototype variants swap “When the video ends” rather than “After Delay” with a delay set for the duration of the video.

2- Select the “Reset Component State” option

3- Untick Autoplay

Still flickers…but SUPER fast and not noticeable.

And almost an year ahead, this issue is here again after the update with the new UI!

Figma team, please fix this. It makes the prototype unusable… the only way I found so my prototype works so-so is to refresh it like several times without changing anything. When start changing/adding screens/elements/components, the issue comes back again, until I reload the tab and refresh after that several more times… It’s absolutely annoying and frustrating.

Just encountered this bug and i cant use the prototype feature at all. I have a demo due in 2 days and i dont know what to do. @Andrew_Chan please help.

what worked for me was changing my component animation to instant instead of smart animate.
