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I am following the Figma beginners tutorial and when I select a group within my design, and attempt to convert it to a frame, some of the material from the group does not seem to render into the frame.  In particular, it seems to cut off some of the material from the borders.

I’m following the steps outlined in the tutorial - create a group, select the group, use the drop down menu on the right to change “group” to “frame”. 

Hi Colleen, thanks for reaching out! 

It’s hard to be sure since you cropped out your Design panel to the right, after changing your group to a frame. But from what I can see in your screenshots, this is expected behavior. 

A frame can only have its content overflow past its bounds, if you don’t have Clip content checked under Layout. In your 1st screenshot, you can see that some of the content is already outside of the group’s bounds, i.e. the blue boundary line. Please be sure that you’ve unchecked Clip content in order to see all of the frame’s contents. 
